Dienstag, 3. August 2010

A Trip to Moses Lake

Last month Annsley and I were able to take a trip to visit my family in Moses Lake. Most of my family had never met Annsley so the thought of introducing her to everyone was exciting, the only draw back...Luke was unable to come with us because of work. That meant it was the 2 of us girls flying across the Atlantic and then across the US by ourselves. Now normally that would be a problem for me but Annsley is at that stage where she does not want to sit still for long, so it was a little daunting the thought of 17+ hours of travel time with a 1 year old. Thankfully, God blessed us with smooth travel and Annsley did great, she is such a happy little girl. Once in Moses Lake we had a great time getting together with family and friends. Here are some pictures from our trip.
We spend a lot of evenings hang out outside by the fountain where it was cooler. Grandma Lolo and Grandpa Howard had such fun playing with Annsley!
Annsley's new best friend and new word of the trip..."Kitty!" She LOVED my parents new kitty Max!
Stuart, Caroline and Andrew came up from Oregon. It was so good to see them and the kiddos were so sweet to watch playing together. We also went to visit Grandma Fay, she really enjoyed seeing her great-grandchildren.
I was also able to meet up with some friends from High School and College.
It was so special to catch up with everyone and see their little ones. God has blessed me so richly with wonderful family and friends! Thank you all so much for making the trips and time to get together! I love you all!

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