Sonntag, 27. Juni 2010

Going, going, going

This past month has been a blur with birthdays, trips and company so this post will catch you up on some things we have been up to. One of the biggest things that happened this month was Annsley's FIRST BIRTHDAY!!! We had such a special day celebrating our little girl, who is an incredible blessing in our lives.

Annsley, this past year (ok so it is closer to 13 months now) has been full of joy, learning, a few sleepless nights, and hundreds of sweet moments, we have loved every minute of it and are so thankful that we get to be your parents.

At one year Annsley you:
  • have 10 teeth
  • pull yourself up on things
  • give your toys and stuffed animals hugs

  • have started crawling a bit on your knees
  • like to walk with someone holding you hands
  • love being out and about in the backpack
  • continue to "talk" all day long, your most popular sounds are: "hi", "mama", "dada", and "nana"
  • LOVE books
  • like to be sung to, current favorite song: The Church is One Foundation
  • love your new red rocking moose

  • are very European in your choice of beverages
  • have started noticing other babies
  • love to look at animals
  • have started dancing when music is playing

You bring us such joy Annsley, we love you so much!

Love, Mommy and Daddy

We celebrated my 27th birthday a few days later.

Then it was off to Switzerland for a church retreat. We spent a week in the beautiful mountains and crisp air. Unfortunately Luke could not get away from work so it was just us girls, we had a great time though.

Once we got back from Switzerland, we took a family day trip. We took a 2 hour train ride to Trier (which by the way is the oldest city in Germany, dating back to height of the Roman empire) where we spent the day taking in the sights.

We saw the old Roman baths

the amphitheater were gladiatorial games were held and the Porta Nigra (one of the gates into the old walled city)

beautiful cathedrals


and baroque churches

It was a long, exhausting, but fun day.
And that has been our month of June !