Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009

The Glories of Fall

This morning didn't start out as I would have liked. God, in His infinite wisdom, saw it fit to humble and reveal my sin to me once again through my amazing husband. I was shown just how selfish I still am (You'd think that after almost 4 years of marriage I would be at least a little bit better). After Luke left for work, God "worked" on my heart. Reading through "The Cross Centered Life" by C.J. Mahaney, I was once again reminded of my desperate need for The Savior and that like Paul, as he wrote in 1Timothy 1:13, I to have been" shown mercy" in my helpless state.

You are probably wondering by now, what does this all have to do with the glories of Fall? After I finished my quiet time I bundled up Annsley, put on the old Asics, and set out with Natalie and Annsley for our morning run. It was FREEZING and as we started running I really just wanted to turn around, go back in the house, make a cup of hot cider and curl up on the couch with a book, however, we pressed on and and I am so glad that we did because we were greeted with the most glorious site. Our running path leads us through a patch of forest and when reached that spot the sun was streaming through the branches making the autumn leaves of red and gold, shimmer and glow in the morning light. I felt my breath leave me (it could have also been the cold air but I like to think it was beauty of the trees) and I was filled with awe at God's handy work. His mercies are new each day! I had started the day off living for self and God in his mercy not only revealed it to me and forgave me, but also blessed me with one of the glories of Fall. His beautiful design of the changing seasons. Praise be to God and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!

I later rode my bike back to the place and took a picture.

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