Montag, 5. April 2010

Happy 10 Months

In the past two months a lot has happen in our family. Things that have been sad and things that have been joyous. We lost a friend, brother, and uncle and yet new friends were made and family was reunited. Through it all we have felt God's faithful presence and have seen His mercies anew each day. Annsley you have brought so much joy to our family these past two months in a way that only a 10 (WOW!) month old can. Your smiles have lit up the faces of so many and your contagous silly noises have been known to make grown men (ahem...Grandpa Bob) sound sooo silly right along with you. :)

At 10 Months you:
  • are trying to crawl (so far you can only go backwards)
  • have 6 teeth (4 top, 2 bottom)
  • love cruising in your walker at Grammie's and Grandpa's
  • LOVE Cheerios, Puffs are SOOO 9 months!
  • have started eating beef (it's what's for dinner)
  • are getting over your first big, nasty cold
  • graduated from the little bath tub to the BIG one (you love to splish and splash)
  • sit and sorta stand like a pro

  • love to play with your barnyard puzzle from Grandma Lolo and Grandpa Howard
  • are fitting into some 12 month clothing!
  • still like jumping in your Johnny Jump Up
  • LOVE to point at different things and immitate sounds
  • LOVE saying "sssstt" and "dadadada"
  • LOVE the wind in your face
  • Loved playing with your cousin Mason

We love you so much Annsley, you are such a joy to us!

All our love, Mommy and Papa

1 Kommentar:

  1. Gosh...10 months and we still have yet to meet. Hopefully, sooner than later. You are about as cute as can be. C-Thanks for the pics!
